All Grades - Anywhere in Australia!
Busy schedule and wanting an easy, convenient tutoring solution? Try online!
We've successfully been offering online tutoring to many of our students and it's a fantastic alternative to in-person, plus is super affordable! Online is super convenient. No need to stress about battling with your kids to get changed out of their PJs before a tutor arrives and you can book a session any day any time
But, I'm concerned online may not be as effective as in-person!
This is probably the most common concern that pops up when discussing online tutoring. Parents may feel their child could get distracted working through an online session vs in-person or it may not be as effective. We've found this to be a huge myth! In fact, many kids are more engaged online as they find the idea of using technology exciting and are already using similar programs at school. The sessions are still face-to-face so our tutors can easily gauge reactions and pinpoint where students may get confused and screen-sharing technology allows tutors and students to easily communicate, just like in-person.